How many of us now a days take care of our skin...?
I have a small routine I do daily and a complete cleanse I usually apply on a Sunday evening or when I have time to fit it in.
As for men... does a man have to be extremely confident with his sexuality now a days to take care of his skin?
It is a small fact that most most would put taking care of their skin at the bottom of their to do list! However being a girl I think if a man can take care of his skin it says a lot for his personality!
We all may not bother to do this for the below reasons:
- It takes too much time
- We cannot be bothered
- The expense of the products
- We simply do not have the knowledge of where to start, nor do they care.
As our skin is like our third lung, one of the first things others notice, and is one of the greatest beauty or attractiveness factors, skin care should be an important part of a daily routine.
Not only does the skin play a part in your identity and appreareance, it shows us whats happening on the inside of our bodies. The skin acts as a protection from things like pollution, bacteria and sicknesses.
Unfortunately as we age, our skin starts to lose its elasticity, and wrinkles, fine lines, and crow’s feet start to form. I have heard we should start our anti-ageing process at 25 years old, before its too late rather than after! Which kind of makes sense!
In order for a man and woman to prolong the youthful appearance of skin it really only takes a few minutes a day.
Here are my top tips:

1. Use a gentle exfoliation cream, to get rid of dry skin
2. Then wash your face with a gentle soap
3. Splash with cold water to close the pores this acts as a protection
4. Use a good moisturizer this should ideally contain an SPF of 15 or greater – you can apply this with a cotton wool pad cleansing deep into the pores
5. You can also get various other treatments such as face packs, under eye balm and lip balm you can use for extra benefit
- Buying a moisturizer that has SPF protects you from skin cancers and keeps you looking youthful for longer so in essence it does two jobs and protects on a daily basis.
- Eating a healthy and well balanced diet will also do wonders for your skin.
- Foods that are high in saturated fats, such as chips, fried foods, like donuts and processed foods such as pre-bought chicken burgers, will all cause the skin to age prematurely.
- As for the expense there are some great products on the market now a days just go to your local chemist and you are spoilt for choice. I think that Clinque is a good range and not over priced for the quality of the products. You can even make your own products...
I was exploring a website the other day and they gave advice on how you can make your own remedies!
Apart from being easy to prepare, the freshness of natural ingredients will be loved by one and all. Now I don't know how good these are I can't say I have tested them yet but when I do the photos will be on here ladies and gents!
And if you try them leave a comment and let me know how you got on!
Face Cleanser
You can add together plain yogurt to half a cup of oatmeal, which will in turn form a paste. After mixing well, apply this on the face, of course as usual avoiding eye area! …After 10-15 minutes wash off with lukewarm water. As Oatmeal, is hypoallergenic, is highly absorptive and softens skin. Apparently Oats have been clinically proven to dry and itchy skin.
Body Cleansers
You can flush out the toxins by adding a cup of hot water to lime. Internally you can make a paste formed of sea salt and water can be rubbed into the body before shower, almost acting as an exfoliation method allowing at least a minute before washing off.
Face Pack (oily skin)
Add about 8 to 9 Strawberries mashed up and three tablespoon of honey (sounds almost yummy)… then mix (but don’t blend). Add this to your face and allow a few minutes set, then wash off or eat it... mmmm there’s a challenge!
Face Pack (dry skin)
Mash up some bananas with a fork, but not so the mixture goes to runny. Add a drop of honey and leave for ten minutes then wash off.
Face Pack (Normal Skin)
Cook 1 peach, until its soft enough to mash with a fork, like the processes above and add a tablespoon of honey and this time oatmeal so as to thicken’s. Apply to skin and wait for 10-15 minutes before rinsing this time with cool water.
No excuses!
So if you want to stay youthful and radient start today!