It is said that the most natural food you can eat for breakfast that is substantial and keeps your energy high for up to 4 hours is porridge. Now I must admit I am a keen porridge fan and have been perfecting my technique now for a few months. Here is how I have mine…
Scotch porridge oats, heated and cooked with warm skimmed milk, sprinkled with currents topped with thick oats and a drizzling of organic honey.
You will need:
6 dessert spoonfuls of porridge oats
200ml of skimmed milk
2 tsp of currents
½ tsp honey
15g of thick oats

In a microwavable bowl add 6 spoonfuls of Quaker Scotch Porridge oats and fill just below the top of the oats with skimmed milk.
Then add 2 tsps of currents and cook in the microwave for 1 minute 20 seconds.

By this time the consistency should be fluffy yet thick but soft and warmed, the top with some dry thick oats and a squirt of organic honey, you could also add some banana or use raisins instead of currents.

I usually find after having this for my breakfast I don’t get hungry now until around 1pm which sets me straight up for lunch!
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