This is why water is good for you. When you can you can also try using a water conditioner.
This is a compacted electronic water conditioner. It prevents scale from forming.
It will also save you money!
- Keeping properly hydrated during exercise allows you to have a better and more productive workout.
- When your workouts are better, you feel and look better too!
- The body is 60-70% water and adequate water intake has great benefits!
- Flushes out wastes, transports nutrients, regulates body temperature, maintains acid-alkaline balance and support chemical processes.
- Keeps skin moist, energy levels up and alleviates some headaches
- Keeping well hydrated often helps to regulate appetite
- People often mistake thirst and hunger, and eat when their bodies are actually craving fluid.
- It adds natural moisture to your skin, giving a fresh glow today and helping the aging process tomorrow.
- If you get bored with drinking plain water, try lemon, lime or even cucumber slices in your water (a hot trend).
- An easy way to boost your fluid intake is to start the day with a fresh cup or two of water or a cup or two of herbal tea.
- You can also mix different types of teas for a new blend of iced teas, the bags steep if you leave in a pitcher of water in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight...
- Some foods that are packed with water are of course soups, plus all fruits and vegetables, but especially watermelon, oranges, apples, cucumbers, iceberg lettuce and tomatoes
- It is best to drink water on an empty stomach in order to avoid unnecessary dilution of digestive juices, so about a half hour before meals drink a glass of water.
- It is preferable to sip water throughout the day rather than to chug it because it will give your body more time to absorb it
This post is sponsored by Scalewatcher.